Monday, July 14, 2008

Another Birthday

This past week my sister's boyfriend celebrated his 3-0 birthday. We all met at Woodbine racetrack and spent the day betting on races and drinking over priced beer. It was a great day, especially when the horses would come around the bend, approaching the finish line. We would all get up and start yelling and cheering for our horses. We followed the afternoon with a much needed and very yummy meal at our new found favorite wing place - Wild Wing. There will be a post to follow of one of our friends enjoying his 20 wings! It was a great day and it is definitely something we will all do again.

Happy Birthday Corrie!

On a side note. The birthday boy was playing soccer Sunday night and really hurt himself. He has already torn the ligament in and around one of his knee's. Unlucky for him, it is believed that he has torn the ligament around the other knee. Hope you feel better Corrie - You're gift will be along shortly.

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