Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Steak and Lobster

We started off today with breakfast before work at Cora's. Tonight we are having dinner at the usual spot, followed by a movie.

Every year for our anniversary K and I go back to The Keg. That's where he proposed to me. We got a gift card for Christmas and the following January he asked if I wanted to go.

Not suspecting anything we went and had a wonderful dinner. While we waited for dessert K reached across the table and held my hands. He talked about how happy he was and how great it was that our families got along and also accepted each of us. I still didn't suspect anything at this moment because K and I talk about how lucky we are all the time.

The next step however through me for a loop. K got out of our booth and down on one knee in the middle of the restaurant. Everyone started clapping and cheering. The next few minutes were a blur. Next thing I remember we are smiling at one another and looking at the ring he had just placed on my finger.

When we got in the car, we called our parents and our friends. Our best friends told us to go over to celebrate. We opened a bottle of champagne and toasted with them.

Just to show how much of a sap and pack rat I am, I still have the cork, the gift card holder, and the bill which our waitress wrote "Congratulations".

The best part of our anniversary dinner is that it falls right in the middle of The Keg's steak and lobster fest, so every year we get steak and lobster for dinner.

Happy 3rd Anniversary Kenrick - You bring meaning to my life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

o little one that is so sweet!
you are a sap ... just like me!